Mr. Ang Gylgyen Sherpa resides in Solu. He summitted Everest seven times without oxygen before retiring to herd yaks and run a small tea house lodge. We are uncertain whether his home was destroyed. (Note: reports from the second earthquake nearly guarantee that his home is destroyed) All trekking business has stopped. He has no way to support his family at the present time. We desperately need to get supplies to him and his family. Our long term goal is to restore the trekking industry and put villagers back to work.
In the 1960’s Himalayan mountaineers did not need to imbibe their Buddhism secondhand through the works of Beat writers or British musicians. The could see Buddhism’s living embodiment in the Sherpas, a people they were coming to admire not only for their physical performance at high altitude but also for their apparent sense of spiritual harmony.
-“Fallen Giants,” Maurice Isserman and Stewart Weaver
The immediate goal of EVEREST AID is to get the trekking industry back up and running.